Sunday, October 13, 2013

PRIZMA DE LUZ: The rainbow that is cast when light shines through a brilliant multi-faceted crystal.

I used to spend hours playing with my parents Fabergé crystal eggs when I was a child. I'd sit in a spot by the window, with the hot Dubai sun streaming in and watch as the light fell into a blinding kaleidoscope pattern of whirls and spots and points that would blend in to delightful shapes as I twisted it back and forth. I would walk around after with sunspots in the back of my eyes everytime I blinked. I have never stopped being fascinated by the light, the fine workmanship that goes into those perfectly cut crystals, the smooth weight of them in my hand, but most importantly, the beautiful rainbows they cast when the sun shines on them. All you need is light.

This blog has been started today, but it began a long time ago. It aims to make lemonade out of the lemons that life throws us. Or better yet, to have you (future readers) sipping lemon-lime margaritas, made with excellent Mexican tequila, from sea salt rimmed glasses.

We are all about the magic in life. The wonder of little moments in an otherwise dreary day. The big dreams, the fine luxuries we can afford ourselves, the love we can give to each other. I want this world to be a beautiful place, and I want to share the beauty with you.

Lets make rainbows.

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